From the Editor

By Dr. Jay Zinn


With the global rise of terrorism, Muslims have become a target of interest in the court of world opinion. Throughout history, radical, cult-like sects have given a bad name to both Islam and Christianity. The things done in the past in the name of Christianity, was not what Jesus had in mind for spreading the gospel. The Crusades, for example, still affect the Muslim’s view of Christianity today; similar to the way 911 had impacted the world’s view of Muslims. Horrific things done by radicals—in any religion—is unacceptable and to be condemned.


But “terrorism” is not what this issue is about. Instead, we want to offer you a peek into the background and beliefs of Muslims. Since Islam is the second fastest growing religion in the world (behind Christianity) Christians need to know something about the people and their faith. So rather than looking at Muslims from afar, through fear and fable, we should arm ourselves with the facts that lead to a better understanding and opportunity to reach them for Christ.


For example—Did you know there is much in Islamic beliefs that connects both religions to Abraham and Moses? Did you know that they respect Jesus, called “Isa” in the Quran (though they only view him as a prophet in a succession of prophets)?


God is moving among the Muslims today. They are being converted to Christ all over the world. We’ve included a former Muslim’s testimony in this issue, along with facts and stats on Islam at a glance. Though we’ll only scratch the surface on this subject, we hope you will dig deeper in your own research— especially those of you who are neighbors with Muslims. There are a great number of books and resources out there, and we’ve provided a list of some in our bibliography. Yes, terrorism has placed Muslims in the world’s spotlight. So let’s begin to make steps towards them to spotlight the love and mercy of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Jay Zinn




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